Comprehensive insurance plan
We insure labor insurance, universal health insurance, and group comprehensive insurance for each of my colleagues in accordance with the law. The group's comprehensive insurance premiums are fully borne by the company. During the time of the business trip to overseas, the company provides overseas travel safety insurance to fully protect the health of employees.
Leave system
Physiological leave, paternity leave, maternity leave, etc.
Professional skills training
We encourage colleagues to further their education and provide employees with subsidies for education and training to improve their self-abilities.
Employee life
1. We value the physical and mental health of our colleagues, and conduct regular health checks every year to help them master their own health.
2. In addition to providing travel and community activities, birthday gift vouchers and birthday party activities are also provided to relieve colleagues' stress after work.
3. Provide wedding and funeral subsidies
4. Provide rental subsidies for colleagues in other cities
5. Provide staff uniforms and coats
Leisure benefits
1. Provide merchant discounts such as food, accommodation, transportation, education, and music
2. Life function: Well-planned working environment, including employee restaurants and beverage vending machines.
3. Social activities: Outing Club, Cooking Club, etc., and with community subsidies allows you to cultivate relationships with like-minded colleagues after work